How to hide Facebook posts from certain people (Public, family, Boss)
Most of the Facebook users including me don’t’ like to share their personal information to the whole world. Facebook is a wide network with billions of users that connects us with friends, families, friends of friends etc. We do not know all those Facebook friends in our real life and so sharing specific personal information to them is not a good idea. This doesn’t means to unfriend them or completely block them from viewing your timeline. Just hide certain posts that you think it to be personal, so that you can maintain your privacy.
Every one of us will often have a business acquaintances or an annoying family member in Facebook whom we cannot unfriend, but most of the time we get tired of having them in our connection. Facebook by considering all that social pressures in mind offers you various privacy settings which you can tune it utmost. Here in this post we will see how to hide Facebook posts from certain people without unfriending them.
How to hide Facebook posts from certain people
Now let’s see how to hide certain posts such as status message, photos, link or a video from certain people.
Step 1: Whenever you post a new entry in your Facebook status tab (such as status message, photos and videos) you will see a drop down option close next to post or share button. Just click and drop down.
Step 2: You will now have four options to choose from such as Public, Friends, Only me and custom. The default one may be Public, friends or only me depending upon your global privacy settings.
Step 3: To hide a Facebook status post from certain people you have to choose the custom option. This custom privacy option enables you to share a post just to certain people, list you manage or hiding it from a group or specific people.
Step 4: Just choose whom you want to share your post and whom you don’t want. If you wish to hide your post from certain peoples then just type in an individual name or group name in “don’t share this with” box (for example: Your mom, dad, boss or ex names) and Facebook will auto completes.
Basically the process is same for restricting or hiding links, photos and videos from specific people. You will have the privacy option each time when you attach a file or choose a photo or video to upload.
Maintaining privacy in social networks in very much important because it determines who we are, how we are and how we want to be. You have to decide which part of your life to share and whom to share with. Check out these must know privacy settings in Facebook.
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